Running Tech Gear You Want to Own

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Running is one of the best forms of exercise, and fortunately, there’s lots of great running gear to help. There’s just so much cool stuff on the market that we wanted to revisit this topic with a follow-up post about running tech gear. As you know, running is one of the top sports that gives you the best benefits of exercise. For instance, it helps keep our hearts healthy and allows us to lose weight.

Still, running isn’t as easy as it sounds. And that’s why we need some extra gear to help us out (and gadgets are always fun). Of course, you want to start with the right athletic shoes, made specifically for runners and not just for casual walkers. The next thing you need is a good pair of running socks to absorb sweat and moisture from your feet. And last but not least, you want a good pair of headphones. They’ll make those miles go by faster when you listen to your favorite songs or motivational talks.

Still, the world is full of many great inventions. From the light bulb to the microwave, many things changed how people live. But what about running? Seems like a weird one, right? Well, not if you explore these pieces of running tech gear to help you run for more extended periods.

Cell Phone Arm or Wrist Band for Runners

We’re not yet at the stage where most people have brain chip implants for tech. So, most of us carry our phones around, even when taking a run. One of the best things you could get for yourself is to get a cool wristband for your mobile phone. Of course, when choosing an arm or wrist band for your cell phone, you want to consider extra space for keys or cash. Take a look at this guide from Runner’s World to help you make the best selection for your running gear.


Knuckle Lights and Lights for Nights

A lot of people take runs at night. Sure, many like to get it done in the morning before heading to work. However, sometimes it’s just too much to go for a run, then take a shower, and get to work. That’s where a little low running tech gear comes in handy. Whether you’re someone who prefers night runs, or somehow your exercise slips into the evening hours because of the demands on your daytime, check out Knuckle Lights for lighting gear.

Pain Relief for Runners with Nanotechnology

As runners know, one of the most challenging things to work through is the pain. But, fortunately, that’s about to change! Kalio’s a new company that crowdfunded some seed money because many people want to get what they’re selling. Essentially, due to nanotechnology, you could get almost instantaneous pain relief by placing a Kailo patch on your body. Moreover, the patch is reusable, and you just need to replace the adhesive from time to time.


Welcome to the Future With A Wearable Ring

Everyone knows about smart devices for your wrist, but how about a health ring for your finger? All you have to do is check out an Oura Ring. This high-tech ring allows you to monitor your heart rate 24 hours a day, every day. Since this is a smart ring for runners, or anyone else, it’s a must-have for health. It gets to know your regular temperature, monitors sleep, and delivers health and activity insights to help you live your best life!


Smart Glasses for Runners and Those Who Love Tech

No running tech gear list would be complete without smart glasses. And one of the best ones on the market comes from the brand, Solos. With these glasses, you’ll get audio that’s stereo-quality with fantastic noise cancellation from outside distractions. What’s more, your gestures control the functionality, from turning up the volume for your run to speaking to your voice assistant. Of course, smart glasses will only improve exponentially as tech companies move us into the metaverse!

In sum, we hope you love these running tech gadgets and gear, and also our earlier article on 10 running gear and gadgets. If you have something you love, let us know by tagging us on social. And don’t forget that we all have to do our part to help save the planet! Always recycle your sneakers and athletic shoes when you no longer need them. For more information about how to do it (and get funds for a favorite cause), take a look at the Sneakers For Good program.

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